I like to think that I've evolved since first getting my library degree. I was a messy librarian at first: stumbling over questions, nervously trying to find the right answer and worried that it would be the wrong answer. Somehow, it levels out and gets easier. I got more confident and knew where the right answer could be found. I'm thankful that it didn't take me long, because in this line of work you never know what the next question might be...
"Can you find and read to me the recipe for broccoli salad?" "I need to know how to solve for x in my math homework, can you help me?" "What day of the week was March 13, 1931?" It could literally be ANYTHING. That's what makes this kind of work rewarding and fun. I take comfort in knowing that this is a staple function of a job that evolves constantly; question/answer has been happening since the dawn of the librarian! NPR recently covered a story with the New York Public Library, which touches on this subject: http://www.npr.org/2014/12/28/373268931/before-the-internet-librarians-would-answer-everything-and-still-do It's a fun read, and interesting to see that patron questions haven't really changed all that must over the years, and neither has the drive of the librarian to find the right answer. Until next time, EH,LD
In 2014, life is more different now than it has ever been before. It's a guarantee that we hear about a new technology development almost every day. So where do libraries play a role in all of this? As someone who is currently growing up in what is referred to as the digital revolution, I'd say that libraries are working alongside the technological changes. The other day I was scrolling through Facebook and came across this post from "Humans of New York." The man photographed and interviewed works for the New York Public Library. "I don't think the library is threatened. Circulation of physical books has never been higher. But I wouldn't even agree that libraries are in the book business. I think they are in the information sharing business. And it just so happens that books have been the primary method of sharing information for half a millennium. The library isn't going to compete with the internet. It's going to be part of the internet. New York libraries have one of the greatest collections of information in the world, and one of our goals is to have it all curated, linked, and navigable." "But once you've uploaded all your information, haven't you made yourself obsolete?" "Absolutely not. Libraries provide a third space that is neither home or work, where people can come together and do thinking work. There will always be that need. And a third of New York depends upon the library system for not only free books, but free computers as well. This is especially important to immigrants, because you don't have to prove anything to get a library card." Some valid points are made here. I think many people fear what technology might be doing to libraries, but I believe the library has more purpose than ever. Working in the children's library, we have been able to reach teens in so many ways. By offering the technology that we do, we keep them in a safe, educational place. In addition, we have some exciting upcoming programming for 2015 that will utilize technology more than ever. As we continue into the technology boom into 2015, I look forward to sharing the exciting ways that technology keeps our library alive and innovative. Until next time, Garrett Grant Greetings Library Friends, I'm so happy you stopped by to peruse our new blog. We hope to use this space to update you on: special events, interesting tidbits from in and outside of the library, and of course on all the library news you can handle. All of the staff here at Patterson are in on the fun, so come back often to see what's new! If you're looking for the library's monthly calendar of events, you can sign up for email delivery on the library's homepage, or you can pick up a copy at the circulation desk the next time you stop in for a book or program. As we inch closer to 2015 I'm thinking a lot about how to make it Patterson's best year ever (lofty goal?), and I know the whole gang is on board for new programs, big ideas and fun. Together, this staff can make anything happen. Come and be apart of it too! Until the next post, best wishes, happy reading and above all: Cheers,